Perhaps you have sought training advice online, read a book on training, or attended puppy classes.
But you have found that when your dog is distracted, shaking the treats won't get its attention...
Stopping or changing direction when walking on the lead doesn't make the dog stop pulling...
Or ignoring your dog when it misbehaves doesn't make it any better...
Maybe you even wonder how those things can work at all...
Don't worry! It does not mean that your dog is a lost case. Maybe it's just that the method you follow doesn't work. But the good news is that there is not just one training method in the world.
Although there is some training method that is the most widespread and the one that you will undoubtedly find if you do some research, fortunately it is not the only option available.
I have developed my own style of training based on years of experience working with dogs, that has shown me what works and what doesn't.
I believe dogs need a leader, rules and boundaries.
The process of training have two sides: the dog and the owner. Both have to learn and change. And very often I find that the hardest part is the owner.
I can not "fix" your dog as if it was a faulty car that you leave in the garage and later come back to pick it up. And I can not give you a simple tip that will magically change it all. But I can teach you how to change your relationship and behavior, adding rules and boundaries and taking over the leadership.
Basic obedience.
Behaviour correction.
I usually do training on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The rest of the week I'm busy walking dogs. Exceptionally, I can train other days/times if those mentioned above are not convenient.
Depending on what you need, we can meet at your place or in Clissold Park, but usually the first lesson is at home.
It is very unlikely that one single session will be enough, that is why I encourage people to take a pack of three.
Training sessions last for about 1 hour.
First three sessions: £100
Following sessions: £30 each
Monday to Friday
First walk: 09:00 to 10:30
Second walk: 11:00 to 12:30
Times may vary due to number of dogs, weather, etc...
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